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Professional Electronic Signature Experience

Branding and color setup in email messages

Add your company's colors and brand to notification emails.

Signing of documents in various file formats 

Upload various file formats (doc, docx, pdf, txt, jpg, jpeg, png, tif, tiff, ppt, pptx, csv, xls, xlsx ) and they will be automatically converted to PDF and encrypted.

Electronic and digital signature in the same flow

Create flows with documents for signature and configure recipients to sign with or without a digital certificate in the same flow.

Audit trail and history

Stay informed about the status of the signing process. With ArqSign, you can track in real-time who has completed their part in the process (and who hasn't). Say goodbye to doubts about the document's whereabouts or who is responsible for the next step.

Responsive signature on any device via email or the ArqSign Platform

You and your recipients can sign from any device through the ArqSign Platform or via email.

Resend or cancel flow

You can edit a recipient's email and resend a flow at no cost, simply resend or cancel.

Import Digital Certificates to the Platform using P12 or PFX extensions

Users can import P12 or PFX digital certificates to their ArqSign account, eliminating the need to sign only through the device where the certificate is installed.

Save Contacts

You can save frequent contacts on the ArqSign platform to increase your productivity when sending new flows.

Notifications and templates

You can configure which and how many notifications and templates will be sent to your recipients.

Signature Style

You can configure up to three signature styles: written, drawn, or image import.

Signature Order

Send documents to multiple recipients and have them sign in a specific order or simultaneously.

Request the signer to attach a document or photo

You can request the signer to attach documents or photos during the signing process.

Batch signing of documents

Users can sign pre-reviewed documents in batches, increasing productivity.

Multiple languages

Send and sign documents in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Team and Document Management

Create users and/or user groups

You can create as many users and/or user groups as you want.

User and User Group Profiles and Permissions

You can configure user profiles and access permissions to folders for users and user groups.

Shared Folders

You can create folders and configure access permissions for reading or collaboration for users and user groups.

Custody Transfer / Document Owner Change

You can quickly and easily change the owner of a document after organizational or team changes.

Share signed documents via link or email

Easily share a signed document via a link with or without an expiration date or via email.

Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)

Create document expiration control

Set a deadline for document renewal or addendum after signing and receive a notification from the ArqSign Platform at the end of the deadline.

Renew or create addendums linked to documents

Create a new renewal flow or an addendum signing flow for a document with the same recipients by simply clicking "Renew Document."

Control document versioning

Control and view the version and history of documents created from the document renewal feature.

Administrative Controls

Manage tax information, billing, usage, and acceptance terms

You have complete administrative control over your account.

API and Integrations

Open integration API

Integrate any software with the ArqSign Platform using our open integration API.

Developer Account

Create your free test account and test our APIs.

Trust, Security, and Certifications

Guarantee of integrity, authenticity, and acceptance for electronic signatures

The ArqSign Platform applies a Digital Certificate to each signature, even if the recipient doesn't have a certificate. At the time of certificate application, the technology used verifies the document's integrity and attaches the signer's data to the certificate. Additionally, the platform captures the signer's acceptance for electronic signature.

eIDAS Regulation

Designed to support the use of electronic signatures and digital signatures in accordance with this EU regulation.

U.S. ESIGN Act of 2000

Designed to support the use of electronic signatures and digital signatures in accordance with this EU regulation.

U.S. ESIGN Act of 2000

Electronic or digital signatures made through ArqSign are legally binding according to the U.S. ESIGN Act of 2000.


Authenticate the signature by requesting an access code, name, document, email, device IP, geolocation, and digital certificate to add layers of security.

Microsoft Silver Certification

Arquivar – the company responsible for developing ArqSign holds the Microsoft Silver Certification. This certification grants access to additional Microsoft resources, specialized training, and comprehensive technical support.

Gold Certification in Application Development

Arquivar – the company responsible for developing ArqSign holds the Gold Certification in Application Development. This certification attests to ArqSign's deep expertise in application development using Microsoft solutions. This places us at the top of a select group of companies, representing only 1% of the global Microsoft partner ecosystem. This achievement brings numerous benefits to ArqSign and, most importantly, to our customers. Now, we have access to exclusive Microsoft resources and tools, allowing our developers to work with the most advanced technologies available. This translates into better, more secure, and efficient solutions for document management.

GDPR Compliance

Arquivar processes comply with all requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Secure Storage

We use Microsoft Azure servers, one of the most secure in the world, for the safe storage of your data and documents.


Support with tutorials and frequently asked questions 24/7

Support via email or chat during business hours.

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